Managing Your Team Roster and Uploading Forms

Managing Your Team Roster and Uploading Forms

Once your team is setup in MyCVR, then next step is the setting up your team roster.   

The MyCVR Roster

This is a new process for 2022 and beyond.

MyCVR pulls all student information from the FIRST Dashboard on firstinspires.org. You are not able to manage students in MyCVR. If the roster is not correct, please update your roster on FIRST Dashboard and wait for CVR staff to download the information. (More details on the sync process at MyCVR Onboarding - Signup, Team Info )

Managing Adults

MyCVR can only see the primary and secondary mentors listed as part of your Team Registration. These two main contacts will automatically be added to the team roster if they have (or create) a MyCVR account and link the team to their account.  If the main contacts do not have an account or do not make an account, they will need to be manually added. For any additional coaches, they will need to be manually added to the roster.

Type of Forms and Who Must Submit Them

All team members must have appropriate forms submitted to FIRST or Central Valley Robotics before they can participate at a FIRST event.   There are two main types of forms teams must submit.

Consent and Release Form

The Consent and Release form must be completed by all coaches and participants in FIRST programs each season.  This form sometimes comes bundled as part of other forms or processes with FIRST.  The paper version can be downloaded from the FIRST Dashboard on the Team Contacts page

Roles and expectations: 

  • Coaches will complete this form in a couple of ways:

    • Coaches with Youth Protection Program Screening

      • If the coach has a MyCVR account, MyCVR will automatically mark the form as "complete" in MyCVR when the team is added to the account.

    • Coaches without Youth Protection Program Screening (IE: one of the extra two coaches CVR allows as part of the roster). 

      • The user managing the team will need to manually add the coach to the MyCVR Roster and complete the appropriate paperwork on the FIRST website.

  • Team Members must complete paperwork online via the FIRST Website.


MyCVR Guide: Text guide will be coming later, however you can check out the MyCVR Walkthrough training session or its recording for a visual guide to MyCVR.