Trainings and Seminars

Trainings and Seminars

Central Valley Robotics provides many training opportunities and many learning opportunities for new and returning coaches.  

FIRST Provided Trainings


While geared for new coaches, this extensive training module will help get you started in coaching for FIRST LEGO League, including step by step meeting modules: http://info.firstinspires.org/fll-first-steps-request

Diversity & Inclusion Training

This training helps coaches and volunteers become aware of Diversity and Inclusion best practices:  https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/training-equity-diversity-inclusion

Local Area Training Sessions by Central Valley Robotics

Central Valley Robotics provides training calls for coaches and team members to learn more about various topics and how to use certain tools in our region.  We also provide more generic question and answer calls for new and returning coaches.

Topic Training Sessions

These will be held online through Google Meet. 

Our Coach Training Sessions are recommended to any coach who is interested in any of the following topics.  All sessions will start at 7PM.

No topic training sessions for the 2024-2025 season.

Coach Calls

Coach Calls allow CVR to provide updates to coaches and allow coaches to ask any questions about the program, event expectations, and more!   

The 2024-2025 dates for the Coach Calls are: (all calls start at 7PM)

October 16th: How to Prepare for a Judging Session (with our Regional Judge Advisors)
October 23rd: How to Prepare for Robot Matches (with our Regional Head Referee)
October 30th: General Event Expectations (with our Executive Director)

This section of the manual will be updated with links to join the calls, as well as links to recordings after each webinar. 

Recordings and Downloads

All downloads and recordings can be found by clicking the session titles above or visit: Session Recordings and Downloads

3rd Party Resources

*These resources have not been vetted by CVR but are available for your perusal*

LCats FIRST LEGO League Team

The award-winning LCats FIRST LEGO League team invites FIRST LEGO League teams to view their YouTube videos on EV3 programming and design.  Through the videos they share their successful EV3 programs such as line following, PID control, turning, and Master program, along with their use of jigs, frame, and side-wheels. 

LCats FIRST LEGO League YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0MSyyzVGRBa2GY54anW6iw

LCats web site: https://sites.google.com/site/lcatsfll/

The videos:


EV3Lessons provides a complete set of LEGO MINDSTORMS programming lessons for teams, teachers, and robotics enthusiasts. The tutorials are clear, to-the-point, and comprehensive, with something for every level of user.


Prime Lessons

Prime Lessons provides a complete set of programming lessons for teams, teachers, and robotics enthusiasts. The tutorials are clear, to-the-point, and comprehensive, with something for every level of user. The lessons are applicable to both SPIKE Prime and MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor users.



This website is powered by FRC 8027 who are MINDSTORMS Community Partners, founders of EV3Lessons, and the 2018 World Festival Champion's award winners.
