Once a team has submitted all required forms (as listed on Managing Your Team Roster and Uploading Forms), the team will be eligible to register for an official CVR event. Teams will use MyCVR to register for events on a first-come, first serve -served basis. To ensure that a team gets its desired date, we encourage all teams to get their forms in early and register as soon as registration opens. CVR may reserve some spots at later events for rookie teams or teams that complete national registration late in the season.
CVR will indicate a period of time on the Season Dates and Deadlines page in which teams will be able to enter event preferences.
At any time during this time window, teams that have met the requirements below can login to MyCVR to add, update, or delete their event preferences.
If a team falls out of "Good" standing in regards to forms / screening, then they will need to get their team back into good standing before the preference period ends. If a team is not in good standing at the end of the preference selection period, their preferences are deleted.
Once the preference window closes, MyCVR will perform the following steps:
MyCVR will delete all preference for teams that have not met the requirements below.
MyCVR will randomize the order of all preferences and walk through them one at a time.
For each team, MyCVR will submit a standard registration request on behalf of the team.
When Open Registration starts, the normal first-come, first-serve served registration process takes over. All requests will begin processing once Open Registration starts. Any teams that submit open registration requests at this time will be processed after all existing requests have been processed.
Event registration fees must be paid before attending the event. Events will only be able to accept Check or Money Orders from teams. Cash, Purchaser Orders, Credit Cards, etc. will not be accepted. Teams will receive formal payment instructions on their Registration Receipt from MyCVR. All fees for Events will be due by the dates listed on the Season Dates and Deadlines page. Event Registration Fees are non-refundable once the payment has been processed.