Team Coach Badges
The Team Coach Badge is given to coaches at Check-in on the day of the tournament. Coaches are expected to wear the badge at all times during the event. This badge helps volunteers identify those individuals supervising teams on the tournament day.
Restrictions and Requirements
There is a maximum of four (4) badges per team, and each badge is customized with a team number and coach name. The following steps must be completed to get a Coach Badge:
Each individual must be listed on the MyCVR roster as a Coach or Co-Coach, and they must have submitted all required forms and documentation.
The two Lead Coach / Mentors listed in the National Registration system (and have passed the Youth Protection Program screening process) must be two of the coaches that receive a badge.
The Coach Badges cannot be tampered with or changed on the event day. Those wearing tampered badges will be asked to leave the coach-only areas.
Badges will be finalized per the dates listed on the Season Dates and Deadlines page and no new coach badges will be printed for teams after this date.
Coach Badges Uses at Events
There are two specific uses for the Coach Badge:
Robot Game Area: Only adults wearing a Coach Badge will be allowed to queue with the team for each match. All other adults need to stay in the spectators’ area.
Judging Rooms: Only adults wearing a Coach Badge will be allowed to enter the Judging Sessions. All other adults will need to wait outside.
Coach Badge Recycling
To help Central Valley Robotics save on costs, coaches can choose to donate their Coach Badge back to CVR to use at future events. CVR only needs the plastic sleeve. Coaches are more than welcome to keep the badge (with sleeve) as a souvenir of the event.
An announcement will be made in the Pits or during Closing Ceremonies announcing the location of the donation box for badges.